RFP for Improving school sanitation by building and repair of toilets

RFP for Improving school sanitation by building and repair of toilets

Organization: HSIL Corporate Social Responsibility Foundation

Apply By: 30 Apr 2025

Request For Proposal

Improving school sanitation by building and repair of toilets


School dropout rate, especially among girls, is directly linked to toilet and hygiene facilities at schools. The lack of adequate toilets and proper hygiene in schools are major barriers to school attendance and education of children, specifically for girls. In addition, lack of water supply and poor maintenance of toilets  often makes it difficult for girls to use toilets at schools.   

In this direction, HSIL Corporate Social Responsibility Foundation aiming to expand its earlier intervention with an objective to provide access to hygienic sanitation in Govt. Schools, specially for girls. 

About the RFP 

Through this RFP, HSIL Corporate Social Responsibility Foundation is aiming to improve school sanitation facility by building and repair of toilets at government schools of Haryana. 

 Scope of Work 

  1. The organization aims at construction/repair of girls toilets in the Govt. schools 
  2. The agency will conduct baseline survey of schools where school that needs the most urgent intervention will be given priority, while number of  girls studying (class wise) will also play a crucial role.
  3. Minimum 50 schools will be covered with priority for girls schools, followed by co-ed schools


Haryana (Location/schools are to be decided) 


Duration of the assignment:  1 Year 

Eligibility Criteria 

  1. Registered Trust/ Section 8 Company/ Registered Society with minimum 3 years of experience in conducting similar work for companies under CSR
  2. The organization must submit credentials of similar work done in the past
  3. Must have three years audited statement.
  4. Agencies with previous experience of working the selected districts will be given priority

Evaluation & Selection Process 

Proposals will be shortlisted on the basis of prior experience of doing similar works in the selected geographical location. Only shortlisted agencies will be contacted. 

How to Apply

The technical and financial proposals are to be sent through e-mail to the following contact by 30th April 2025

Mr. Rajesh Das

e-mail: rajesh.das@hindware.co.in

For any queries or clarifications please connect to Mr. Rajesh Das on (0124-4779205) on/before 30th April 2025

Documents Required

  1. Organization details and profile of people engaged
  2. Proof of similar works done in the past
  3. Letters of recommendation (from any client earlier served)
  4. Detail costing and manpower involved (with profile)
  5. Detailed proposal with mode of execution/process involved for conducting the above need assessment (PPT/Word format)
  6. Time required to complete the task

About HSIL Corporate Social Responsibility Foundation  

HSIL Corporate Social Responsibility Foundation is a registered trust set up by the company to conduct its CSR activities and all the CSR projects of Hindware  Ltd. are conducted through HSIL Corporate Social Responsibility Foundation. Any engagement of external agency for CSR related activities of the company will be made through HSIL Corporate Social Responsibility Foundation.




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