RFP for Water Conservation and Biodiversity Enhancement Project

RFP for Water Conservation and Biodiversity Enhancement Project

Organization: Bridgestone India Private Limited

Apply By: 06 Apr 2025

Request for Proposal (RFP) 

Water Conservation and Biodiversity Enhancement Project 

Issued by: Bridgestone India Private Limited. 

Date Issued: 17 March 2025 

Proposal Due Date: 6 April 2025 


Bridgestone India CSR is seeking proposals from qualified and experienced organizations for a comprehensive  water conservation project. This initiative aims to rejuvenate community ponds, promote biodiversity around  the water bodies through tree plantation and afforestation, and implement sustainable water management  practices. We invite organizations with strong technical expertise and have prior experience of working on similar  projects to submit their innovative proposals. The project will be implemented in three villages of the Dhar  districts of Madhya Pradesh. (Rejuvenation of approx. 3 water bodies) 


Problem Statement: 

The Dhar District, declared an over-exploited water area by the Central Ground Water Board (CGWB), faces  severe groundwater unavailability during the summer, leading to a decreasing water table each year. Villagers,  especially vulnerable community members, must travel outside the village to fetch water from March to July.  Despite good annual rainfall and large ponds, poor percolation properties of black cotton soil result in significant  water evaporation or overflow, causing a lack of groundwater in the summer. 

Land use patterns in Dhar District show urban expansions with declines in agricultural land and forest cover,  raising concerns about food security, biodiversity loss, and ecosystem health. Villages like Achana, Mundana, and  Khandwa face water crises in the summer, affecting overall livelihoods. 

Key Issues: 

Over-exploited water area with decreasing groundwater levels. 

Summer water scarcity forces villagers to fetch water from outside. 

Water scarcity negatively impacts livelihoods and irrigation. 

High air pollution from industrialization; need for green belt development. 

Low tree cover and poor nutrition, and anaemic. 

This project aims to address these issues through water conservation, pond rejuvenation, tree plantation, and  community engagement to promote environmental sustainability and improve villagers' quality of life. 


  • Increase groundwater levels through strategic pond digging, installations of water recharge systems,  and ensure vulnerable communities have reliable access to drinking water.
  • Increase the irrigation area to enhance agricultural productivity and elevate the income levels of local  villagers. 
  • Implement measures to significantly decrease carbon emissions and actively combat climate change  through sustainable practices. 
  • Improve the cleanliness of the surrounding environment and enhance local biodiversity through  targeted conservation efforts and habitat restoration. 
  • Engage and empower villagers to actively participate in environmental sustainability initiatives,  fostering a culture of ecological stewardship. 

Scope of Work: Proposals should address the following key areas: 

Rejuvenation of Community Ponds: 

Restoration and maintenance of community ponds. 

Implementation of water recharge systems to enhance groundwater levels. 

Conducting hydrology studies to understand the water dynamics of the ponds. 

Tree Plantation and Afforestation: 

Afforestation and reforestation around the ponds using local plant species. 

Selection of native plant species to enhance biodiversity. 

Community involvement in plantation activities. 

Community Engagement: 

  • Formation of water management committees in the villages to oversee and manage water  conservation efforts. 
  • Awareness sessions and workshops on the importance of water conservation and sustainable  practices. 
  • Training and capacity-building workshops for local communities. 

Maintenance and Sustainability: 

  • Regular maintenance of the ponds and surrounding areas. 
  • Linking livelihood activities to the ponds, such as fish farming, to ensure the sustainability of the  project. 

Monitoring and Evaluation: 

  • Ensure the project is well-monitored with regular progress checks. 
  • Conduct monthly meetings and bi-monthly, quarterly, and yearly reporting. 
  • Regularly monitor water levels, biodiversity impacts, and plant and species growth.
  • Observe important environmental days on a mass level to raise awareness. 

Documentation and Communication: 

  • Create impactful case studies to showcase project success and lessons learned. 
  • Develop audio-video documentation to capture project activities and outcomes.
  • Produce creative and engaging social media posts and documentaries to raise awareness and promote  the project. 
  • Maintain detailed records of all project activities, progress, and outcomes for transparency and  accountability. 

Community and Employee Engagement Activities: 

  • Rainwater Harvesting: Implement rainwater harvesting systems in households and community  buildings to supplement water supply. 
  • Soil and Water Conservation: Introduce soil conservation techniques to improve water retention and  reduce erosion. 
  • Alternative Livelihoods: Promote alternative livelihoods such as beekeeping or agroforestry to reduce  dependency on water-intensive agriculture. 
  • Educational Programs: Develop educational programs for schools and communities to teach them about water conservation and environmental stewardship. 
  • Partnerships: Collaborate with local NGOs, government agencies, and private sector partners to  leverage resources and expertise. 

Eligibility: This RFP is open to: 

Non-profit organizations 

Proposal Requirements: 

Interested firms/consultants are requested to submit a proposal that includes: 

  1. Executive Summary: A brief overview of the project, its objectives, and expected outcomes. 
  2. Project Description: Detailed description of the project, including the problem being addressed,  proposed solution, and implementation plan. 
  3. Budget: Detailed budget outlining the costs associated with the project. 
  4. Timeline: Project timeline with key milestones and deliverables. 
  5. Impact: Description of the expected impact of the project on water conservation, biodiversity, and  community well-being. 
  6. Team: Information about the project team, including relevant experience and qualifications.
  7. Evaluation: Plan for monitoring and evaluating the project's progress and success. 8. References of previous work on similar themes/initiatives. 

Evaluation Criteria: Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria: 

  • Relevant experience and expertise of the organization (20%) 
  • Technical approach, methodology, and innovative approach proposed for the project (30%)
  • Understanding of the Community, local environment and water conservation projects initiative. (20%)
  • Potential impact on water conservation, biodiversity, and community well-being (15%)
  • Cost-effectiveness of the proposal (5%)
  • Quality of references and past performance (10%) 

Submission Instructions 

Proposals must be submitted electronically by name: Water Conservation and Biodiversity Enhancement Project  to vaibhav-raut@bridgestone.co.in by April 6, 2025. Late submissions will not be considered. For any queries  or further information, please contact [Vaibhav Raut @ vaibhav-raut@bridgestone.co.in ]. 

Thank you for your interest in this opportunity.  

We look forward to receiving your proposal.




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