RFP invited for livestock health and livelihood sustainability (Community Animal Care Service Provider – CASP) project in Thoothukudi

RFP invited for livestock health and livelihood sustainability (Community Animal Care Service Provider – CASP) project in Thoothukudi

Organization: HCLFoundation

Apply By: 01 Jul 2024




HCLFoundation, under its flagship programme Samuday, invites proposals for livestock health and livelihood sustainability (Community Animal Care Service Provider – CASP) project in Thoothukudi, Tamil Nadu.


RFP released by 


RFP Code


Programme Name 


Date of Posting 


Last date for submission



Thoothukudi, Tamil Nadu


About HCLFoundation  

HCLFoundation delivers the corporate social responsibility agenda of HCLTech in India through its flagship programmes and special initiatives. It is a not-for-profit organisation that strives to contribute towards national and international development goals, bringing about lasting positive impact in the lives of people, through long-term sustainable programmes.

HCLFoundation aims to alleviate poverty and achieve inclusive growth and development through life cycle based, integrated community development approach that focuses on Education, Health, Skill Development and Livelihood, Environment, and Disaster Risk Reduction and Response. Child protective strategies, inclusion, and gender transformative approaches remain central in all initiatives, thus ensuring comprehensive development. At present, it is implementing five flagship programmes, Samuday and HCLTech Grant (Rural Development); Uday and My Clean City (Urban Development); Harit (Environment Action) and four special initiatives - Power of One, Sports for Change, Academy, and My E-Haat.

For more details, please visit our website – https://www.hclfoundation.org

1.      Description of RFP

HCLFoundation requests for proposal from eligible NGOs / CSR implementing agencies for Community Animal Care Service Provider project. The Vilathikulam and Pudur blocks of Thoothukudi district face a pressing challenge: a severe shortage of accessible veterinary services. With only 10 veterinary dispensaries serving the entire area, many villages are left underserved, struggling to access timely medical care for their livestock. This scarcity of veterinary facilities is particularly detrimental given the predominant activity of goat and sheep rearing in the region.


Livestock owners in these communities encounter significant hurdles when seeking medical assistance for their animals, often having to travel long distances to reach the nearest dispensary. As a result, essential veterinary care is frequently delayed, exacerbating health issues and increasing mortality rates among livestock. Additionally, there is a significant unemployment problem among educated youth in the area, further exacerbating economic challenges within the community. The Community Animal Care Service Provider (CASP) initiative seeks to address these issues by training local youth to fill the gap in veterinary services while simultaneously providing them with employment opportunities in animal husbandry.

The Community Animal Care Service Provider initiative aims to address the lack of accessible veterinary services in Vilathikulam and Pudur blocks of Thoothukudi district. By training local youth in basic animal health care, the project seeks to empower them to serve as Animal Health Nurses (AHNs) within their communities. These trained individuals will provide essential veterinary services, including basic treatment, vaccination, deworming, and emergency herbal medicine, rearing techniques, thereby reducing morbidity and mortality rates among livestock.

Duration:     6 months (1st Phase)

Time period: 01 August 2024 to 31 January 2025

Important Prerequisite

Organizations applying for the RFP are required to visit the selected areas by HCLFoundation between 14th June to 28th June 2024 in order to understand the animal health and unemployment issue.

Samuday by HCLFoundation will only facilitate the field movement of the visitors in the area and shall not bear any cost incurred for travel and stay of the representatives for the purpose.

1.1.           Objectives of RFP

  • To provide comprehensive training to 100 selected youth from the local community in animal health, basic homeopathic medicine, vaccination, deworming, and emergency herbal medicine usage, rearing techniques 
  • To create employment opportunities for educated youth in the region by equipping them with the skills and resources to generate income through the provision of veterinary services. A minimum fee per service will be charged, ensuring sustainability and providing AHNs with a source of livelihood.
  • To enhance the overall health and well-being of the animal population in the project area by ensuring timely access to veterinary care and preventive measures, thereby reducing morbidity and mortality rates among animals
  • To foster community involvement and ownership by engaging local stakeholders, including livestock owners, community leaders, in the planning, implementation, and monitoring of the project
  • To find best 20 practitioners of above training and thereby send them further for para vet training technically with certification and equipment support in the next phase

Scope of Work

Responsibility matrix is given below:




Procurement of quality equipment and materials



Identifications of resource persons


Selection parameters as per discretion of the agency

Training CAPS as per designed syllabus/module


Training module to be developed and implemented by the agency

Logistics and other out-of-pocket expense


Should be included as part of the budget

Baseline, Mid-Term assessment and End line


Practical training and impact assessment is done in collaboration with HCLF



Payments in two or three tranches subject to satisfaction and approval of Utilization Certificate received by HCLFoundation

Submission Process

  • Submit the proposals as per the formats given in Section A and Section B
  • Submit the Gantt chart as per Annexure I
  • Submit the financial proposal separately as per Annexure II with the specified Microsoft Form
  • Geography: Vilathikulam, and Purdur blocks of Thoothukudi district in Tamil Nadu
  • Additional documents could be submitted to substantiate the project proposal, the evaluation of the project would be basis the submitted details as per the Section A and Section B of this document

Evaluation Criteria

The evaluation process for projects with a single project code involves two main phases. First, there is a Qualifier phase where organizations must score a minimum of 50% in two key areas: Past experience and capacity (50% weightage) and Financial capacity (50% weightage). Only those that meet this threshold move on to the next phase.

In the second phase, the Technical Proposal is assessed with a 60% weightage, including criteria such as Project Strategy, Operational Plan, Sustainability Plan, Monitoring & Evaluation Plan, Uniqueness/Innovation, and Applicability to Project Location. The Financial Proposal carries a 40% weightage and is evaluated based on the ability to achieve scale within the prescribed budget, the proportion of the budget allocated to community-focused initiatives, and overall budget prudence.

1.      Who can and how to apply

Non-for-Profit organizations with valid 12A, 80G & CSR 1 are eligible to apply. The organization should have prior expertise in the thematic area of the work.

Submission details

Interested organizations may submit proposal plan as per their strength and expertise. Applicants are requested to share proposal along with duly fill in Budget Costing sheet, as per below mentioned submission details and deadlines.

Budget: Budget must be submitted as per the attached template provided. Please provide detailed break-up of each line item and all sub-line item costs with clear budget explanatory notes. Any taxes including Service Tax, Sales Tax, Value Added Tax or any other applicable tax, duty, cess or levies, must be quoted separately from the price of goods and services. The terms of payment along with a tentative timeline must also be attached.

Gantt Chart: The Gantt Chart must detail the comprehensive list of activities proposed in the proposal along with a tentative timeline.

Kindly provide with key objectives, activities, inputs, outputs, outcome and impact & a risk assessment and mitigation plan. The proposal must include indicators that will be used for assessing impact.

Applicants are requested to duly fill in all Annexures and share with proposal. 

Submission Details & Deadlines

  • Please submit proposals (Technical & Financials/Budget) by 01 July 2024 as per mail to:
  1. Technical proposal with organizational details (as per template) to be submitted to -drmukul.k@hcltech.comantonypeter.a@hcltech.com
  2. Financial/proposed budget (as per annexure II) to be submitted to - vaibhav-c@hcltech.com
  • Please send in your submissions with Subject Line in the given format: HCLF/RFP/Samuday/TN/11062024_
  • All enquiries regarding this RFP clarification should be shared before 24th June 2024 via email to drmukul.k@hcltech.com  
  • Proposals received after the due date will be liable for rejection
  • Proposal must include all the components mentioned above
  • We will adhere to strict activities-timeline listed as per Annexure 01. We encourage organizations to submit proposal and deliver the said work keeping the defined timelines as per the HCLFoundation’s Gant Chart in Annexure 01.

Please note:  HCLFoundation would/could engage more than one NGO/partner in project execution with expertise in different components to operationalize the project on-ground through a convergence-based model.

To download the full RFP, click here




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