Applications Invited for SSW Grant Program

Applications Invited for SSW Grant Program

Organization: Japan Foundation (JFND)

Apply By: 15 Jun 2024

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About the Organization

The Japan Foundation is Japan's only Institution dedicated to carrying out comprehensive international cultural exchange programs throughout the world. Through culture, language and dialogue, the Japan Foundation creates global opportunities to foster friendship, trust and mutual understanding.

About the Grant

The Japan Foundation, (JFND) offers various types of grants to non-profit Japanese language education institutions in India for projects which promote Japanese Language Education in India.

This grant program for the organization and groups providing Japanese language education for the SSW (Specified Skilled Workers) in India has been announced.

The purpose of this grant program is to partially support the costs of programs implemented by organizations and groups that provide Japanese-language education to persons, including those who plan to come to Japan under the “Specified Skills” residence status system, to support Japanese-language education is necessary for living and working in Japan.

  • Teaching Material Purchase Grant: Grant to support the cost of purchasing teaching and supplementary materials that can be used in Japanese-language education for the purpose of living and working in Japan. However, items purchased for transfer or rental to individuals or other organizations are excluded.
  • Salary Assistance Grant: Grant to support the salaries of Japanese-language teachers to teach Japanese language courses for the purpose of living and working in Japan.
  • Conference Grant: Grant to partially support the cost related to holding conferences such as seminars, workshops, symposia and training sessions for Japanese-language teachers who will engage in Japanese-language teaching for the purpose of living and working in Japan.
  • Publication Grant: Grant to partially support the cost related to preparing and publishing the necessary curriculum and teaching materials required for Japanese-language education for the purpose of the JFT-Basic test or for living and working in Japan.
  • Other Original Proposal: Grant to partially support the cost related to holding events that aim to promote or arouse interest in Japanese-language education for the purpose of living and working in Japan or projects required to train Japanese-language teachers.
  • ICT Environment Improvement Grant: Grant to support the cost related to the purchase of information and communications technology (ICT) equipment directly necessary to conduct educational activities that use ICT (including online training by instructors) for Japanese-language education for the purpose of living and working in Japan. However, items purchased for transfer or rental to individuals or other organizations are excluded. The unit price of ICT equipment must be less than 50,000 rupees, and the maximum amount of this grant is 200,000 rupees.

How to Apply

Deadline to fill the Application Form and adjoining required documents is 15th June 2024.

Please download:

Application Guidelines in English

Application Form

For more information please check the Link

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