Invitation for Expression of Interest (EOI) for Milk Processing Unit setup

Invitation for Expression of Interest (EOI) for Milk Processing Unit setup

Organization: Phia Foundation

Apply By: 22 Jul 2024

Project Title: HIMALAYA “High-altitude Income Maximization and Adaptive Livelihoods  Advancement for Youth and Adults”

The Himalaya project being implemented by Phia Foundation with support from HDFC Bank  Parivartan focuses on strengthening the agroforestry-based livelihood systems of the  community through the use of adaptive and climate-resilient technologies of the communities. Under this project, the Phia Foundation aims to set up a boutique milk processing unit and  develop a milk-based value chain in three blocks of Leh. This proposed unit shall be operated  and run by local community members and handle milk and value-added products from cows  and yaks.

Please submit the Expression of Interest (EOI) in the format provided in the link below.  Applications from legal entities registered in India (individually or as a Consortium) are  acceptable.

Your response to these questions will be used to ascertain that your organization is qualified to  provide the services described in the Terms of Reference. If a high number of qualified  responses are received, PHIA reserves the right to shortlist the highest-scoring organizations based on the evaluation criteria included in this document.

Fill the google form here

Evaluation Criteria 

The evaluation of the EOIs will be done on the following criteria:





Organizational details

Not scored


Registration details

Not scored


Financial information

Not scored, subject to satisfactory  accounts


Organization experience



Summary of relevant past projects



Skills and experience to implement the



proposed project as reflected in the  capability statement



Intervention model and strategies for the  proposed project


Closing Date for EOI Applications

The online form should be filled by 22th July 2024 on the above given link and the printed copy  of the application must be submitted by 27th July 2024 in sealed envelope marking HIMALAYA  “High-altitude Income Maximization and Adaptive Livelihoods Advancement for Youth  and Adults” and addressed to: 

Executive Director, 

PHIA Foundation

S.J. House, D-25D, South Extension Part -II

New Delhi – 110049.

(No further information or company literature is required).

6.2 Anticipated Timescale for Tender Process

Please note these dates are estimates only, PHIA may amend the process as required.


Estimated timing

Closing date for EOIs

22nd July 2024

Complete Evaluation of EOIs

27th July 2024

Tender packs to be sent to qualified providers

29th July 2024

Approximate closing date for Tender responses

2nd August 2024

Complete Evaluation of ITTs

5th August 2024

Select preferred provider

5th August 2024

Award of contract

6th August 2024

In case of any queries, please contact: 

Mr. Tundup Wangail, Project Lead at tundup@phia.org.in 



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