20 Twitter Handles in India to Follow for All the Updates and News on Nutrition
May 30, 2020

“Health should not be seen as a blessing to be wished for, but rather as a human right to be fought for.”
These words by General Kofi Annan, the seventh Secretary-General of UN hold more relevance today as the nation’s current pandemic has highlighted the importance of good nutrition and food security than ever before, an issue that India is still grappling to deal with, given malnutrition stands as one of the biggest impediments to its path to holistic growth and development.
The fact that malnutrition is a vice which goes beyond financial boundaries, sometimes for the lack of food and at other times for the lack of knowledge of food, the current time offers a great opportunity to educate oneself of India’s nutrition status as well as begin work on nutrition-focused activities in the development space and also improve our nutrition literacy.
With this article, we aim to make your first stepping stone in this journey of nutrition easier.
As the world is thriving in virtual space, social media platforms have been replacing how we receive and process information. Twitter is one such social platform with 13.15 million users in India, which brings discussions on breaking news and burning issues to tips on living a better life and cracking your dream job (you name anything), all on the same platform.
We bring to you this article with 20 curated Twitter Handles in India and 3 reasons on why you should follow them. Go on, have a read and delve into working on nutrition- as an individual, non-profit or a company.
1. POSHAN Abhiyaan
The official account for Prime Minister’s Overarching Scheme for Holistic Nourishment in India to spread the message of #SahiPoshanDeshRoshan.
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2. UNICEF India
The official account of UNICEF India which has been working side-by-side with India to save children’s lives, defend their rights, and help them fulfill their potential since 1949 and works on the principle of #ForEveryChild.
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3. Ministry of WCD
The official Account of the Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India.
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4. IMPact4Poshan
IMPAct4Nutrition, a platform incubated by UNICEF India works to mobilize private action for nutrition by promoting Company’s engagement in making #POSHANAbhiyaan a #JanAndolan.
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5. IFPRI South Asia
The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) provides research-based policy solutions to sustainably reduce poverty and end hunger and malnutrition in developing countries.
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The India Nutrition Initiative (TINI) created under the aegis of the Tata Trusts is its multi-pronged approach to be able to address the issue of malnutrition effectively and at scale.
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7. NITI Aayog
NITI Aayog (National Institution for Transforming India) serves as a Think Tank of the Government, a directional & policy dynamo. RT does not imply endorsement.
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This is the official account of Food Safety & Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) - the apex food regulator of India under Ministry of Health & Family Welfare.
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9. World Food Programme India
The official account of the UN World Food Programme in India which is supporting Indian Government's efforts towards food & nutrition security since 1968.
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10. Smriti Z Irani
The personal account of the Union Cabinet Minister for Textiles and Women & Child Development, Government of India
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11. #StopChildMalnutritionIndia
The personal account of Arjan de Wagt, Chief Nutrition Section at UNICEF India.
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12. HealthifyMe
HealthifyMe is Asia’s largest and most loved health & fitness app with over 15 million users serviced by a network of top nutritionists and trainers.
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13. Piramal Swasthya
Piramal Swasthya works towards making healthcare accessible, affordable and available to all segments of the population, especially those most vulnerable
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14. Rujuta Diwekar
The personal account of India's leading sports science and nutrition expert and the Winner of the 'Nutrition Award' from Asian Institute of Gastroenterology.
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15. Ministry of Health
This is the official twitter account of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India.
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16. Purnima Menon
Dr. Purnima Menon is a senior research fellow at the International Food Policy Research Institute where she is the theme leader for South Asia Nutrition Programs in IFPRI’s Poverty, Health, and Nutrition Division.
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17. TheMomSagas
The personal account of Charu Sareen Gujjal-the mommy blogger behind the Mom Sagas who shares parenting tips to ensure children maintain their nutrition dietary requirements at all times.
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18. Sight and Life
Sight and Life (SAL) is a pioneer of nutrition innovations based on science and working towards eradicating malnutrition in women of childbearing age and their children.
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19. Action Against Hunger
A not-for-profit organization established in 2012 with a simple goal in mind: No more hungry children in India. #EndingMalnutrition in India
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20. Smart Food
Official handle for the #SmartFood initiative led by @ICRISAT to Mainstream #Millets. #SmartFood - Food that is #GoodForYou, #GoodForFarmers, #GoodForPlanet
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Sweta Chakraborty, a Senior Research Associate with NGOBOX and CSRBOX has followed her belief in humankind’s goodness and doing good to start her journey in the social development sector and she looks forward to making long strides in this path. She is working with the IMPAct4Nutrition platform which engages the private sector in building a social movement (Jan andolan) to support POSHAN Abhiyaan.
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